The Storey Lab’s current research efforts are in the following areas:
- Extending fundamental population genetics models and quantities — such as allele frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, FST, admixture, ancestry, and kinship — to genome-wide genotype data making minimal assumptions about population structure
- Improving the accuracy and applicability of the polygenic trait model in population-based studies for determining the genetic basis of complex traits, including association studies, genome-wide heritability, and polygenic risk scores
- Developing causal inference methods and study designs for population-based genetics studies of complex traits
- Latent variable decompositions of high-dimensional data, with an emphasis on admixture, population structure, and exponential family distributions
- Latent variable modeling in the context of high-dimensional significance testing — such as surrogate variable analysis and cross-dimensional inference
- Signficance testing on high-dimensional regression models
- Models and estimators for false discovery rates and q-values